
Configs for programs I use!
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config.h (4255B)

      1 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
      3 /* interval between updates (in ms) */
      4 const unsigned int interval = 1000;
      6 /* text to show if no value can be retrieved */
      7 static const char unknown_str[] = "n/a";
      9 /* maximum output string length */
     10 #define MAXLEN 2048
     12 /*
     13  * function            description                     argument (example)
     14  *
     15  * battery_perc        battery percentage              battery name (BAT0)
     16  *                                                     NULL on OpenBSD/FreeBSD
     17  * battery_remaining   battery remaining HH:MM         battery name (BAT0)
     18  *                                                     NULL on OpenBSD/FreeBSD
     19  * battery_state       battery charging state          battery name (BAT0)
     20  *                                                     NULL on OpenBSD/FreeBSD
     21  * cat                 read arbitrary file             path
     22  * cpu_freq            cpu frequency in MHz            NULL
     23  * cpu_perc            cpu usage in percent            NULL
     24  * datetime            date and time                   format string (%F %T)
     25  * disk_free           free disk space in GB           mountpoint path (/)
     26  * disk_perc           disk usage in percent           mountpoint path (/)
     27  * disk_total          total disk space in GB          mountpoint path (/)
     28  * disk_used           used disk space in GB           mountpoint path (/)
     29  * entropy             available entropy               NULL
     30  * gid                 GID of current user             NULL
     31  * hostname            hostname                        NULL
     32  * ipv4                IPv4 address                    interface name (eth0)
     33  * ipv6                IPv6 address                    interface name (eth0)
     34  * kernel_release      `uname -r`                      NULL
     35  * keyboard_indicators caps/num lock indicators        format string (c?n?)
     36  *                                                     see keyboard_indicators.c
     37  * keymap              layout (variant) of current     NULL
     38  *                     keymap
     39  * load_avg            load average                    NULL
     40  * netspeed_rx         receive network speed           interface name (wlan0)
     41  * netspeed_tx         transfer network speed          interface name (wlan0)
     42  * num_files           number of files in a directory  path
     43  *                                                     (/home/foo/Inbox/cur)
     44  * ram_free            free memory in GB               NULL
     45  * ram_perc            memory usage in percent         NULL
     46  * ram_total           total memory size in GB         NULL
     47  * ram_used            used memory in GB               NULL
     48  * run_command         custom shell command            command (echo foo)
     49  * swap_free           free swap in GB                 NULL
     50  * swap_perc           swap usage in percent           NULL
     51  * swap_total          total swap size in GB           NULL
     52  * swap_used           used swap in GB                 NULL
     53  * temp                temperature in degree celsius   sensor file
     54  *                                                     (/sys/class/thermal/...)
     55  *                                                     NULL on OpenBSD
     56  *                                                     thermal zone on FreeBSD
     57  *                                                     (tz0, tz1, etc.)
     58  * uid                 UID of current user             NULL
     59  * uptime              system uptime                   NULL
     60  * username            username of current user        NULL
     61  * vol_perc            OSS/ALSA volume in percent      mixer file (/dev/mixer)
     62  *                                                     NULL on OpenBSD/FreeBSD
     63  * wifi_essid          WiFi ESSID                      interface name (wlan0)
     64  * wifi_perc           WiFi signal in percent          interface name (wlan0)
     65  */
     67 static const struct arg args[] = {
     68     /* function format          argument */
     70     /*{ netspeed_rx,        "  %s |",  "eno0:" },
     71     { netspeed_tx,        "  %s |",  "eno0:" }, */
     73     { cpu_perc,  "   CPU:%s%% |",     NULL },
     74     { ram_perc,  "   RAM:%s%% |",     NULL },
     75     { run_command, " :%4s | ", "amixer sget Master | awk -F\"[][]\" '/%/ { print $2 }' | head -n1" },
     76     { datetime, "  %s ",           "%A %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S" },
     77 };