synth-shell-prompt.config (2853B)
1 # ___ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ 2 # ( _( ) () ( ) \/ ( )__ __() () ( ____ ( _( ) () ( ) __( ) | ) | 3 # _) \ '. / | \ | | | | -- | )____( _) \ | -- | | _) | (__ | (__ 4 #)____) /_( )_()_( )_( )_()_( )____) )_()_( )___( )____( )____( 5 6 format="USER HOST PWD GIT PYENV TF KUBE" 7 8 separator_char='\uE0B0' # Separation character, '\uE0B0'=triangle 9 separator_padding_left='' # Add char or string to the left of the separator 10 separator_padding_right='' # Add char or string to the right of the separator 11 segment_padding=' ' # Add char or string around segment text 12 enable_vertical_padding=true # Add extra new line over prompt 13 enable_command_on_new_line=false # Add new line between prompt and command 14 15 16 #Host 17 font_color_host="white" 18 background_host="241" 19 texteffect_host="bold" 20 21 #user 22 font_color_user="white" 23 background_user="92" 24 texteffect_user="bold" 25 26 #What directory I am in 27 font_color_pwd="238" 28 background_pwd="250" 29 texteffect_pwd="bold" 30 31 max_pwd_char="55" 32 pwd_trunc_symbol="…" 33 34 #Git 35 font_color_git="white" 36 background_git="130" 37 texteffect_git="bold" 38 39 max_pwd_char="55" 40 pwd_trunc_symbol="…" 41 symbol_synced='' 42 git_symbol_unpushed=' ▲' 43 git_symbol_unpulled=' ▼' 44 git_symbol_unpushedunpulled=' ◆' 45 git_symbol_dirty=' ◔' 46 git_symbol_dirty_unpushed=' ◔ △' 47 git_symbol_dirty_unpulled=' ◔ ▽' 48 git_symbol_dirty_unpushedunpulled=' ◔ ◇' 49 git_symbol_stash='🗎' 50 git_update_period_minutes=15 # Use -1 to disable automatic updates 51 52 53 54 ##============================================================================== 55 ## PYENV 56 ##============================================================================== 57 font_color_pyenv="white" 58 background_pyenv="blue" 59 texteffect_pyenv="bold" 60 61 62 63 ##============================================================================== 64 ## KUBERNETES 65 ##============================================================================== 66 font_color_kube="white" 67 background_kube="purple" 68 texteffect_kube="bold" 69 70 71 72 ##============================================================================== 73 ## TERRAFORM WORKSPACE 74 ##============================================================================== 75 font_color_tf="purple" 76 background_tf="light-purple" 77 texteffect_tf="bold" 78 79 80 81 ##============================================================================== 82 ## CLOCK 83 ##============================================================================== 84 font_color_clock="white" 85 background_clock="light-blue" 86 texteffect_clock="bold" 87 88 clock_format="%H:%M" 89 90 91 92 ##============================================================================== 93 ## INPUT (user typed command) 94 ##============================================================================== 95 font_color_input="98" 96 background_input="none" 97 texteffect_input="bold"