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     24       <h1>Basic Commands</h1><hr>
     26       <p>There are over 100 commands in Neovim, and thankfully, you don't need to know all of them to use the text editor—just a few basic commands are enough.</p><hr>
     28       <h3>Copy and Paste in Neovim</h3>
     29       <p>Instead of using <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> and <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>V</kbd>, Neovim uses <kbd>y</kbd> and <kbd>p</kbd> for copying and pasting lines:</p>
     30       <ul>
     31         <li><kbd>yy</kbd> - Copies an entire line in normal mode</li>
     32         <li><kbd>y3</kbd> - Copies 3 lines in normal mode</li>
     33         <li><kbd>y</kbd> - Copies selected text in visual mode</li>
     34       </ul>
     35       <hr>
     37       <h3>Deleting Lines</h3>
     38       <ul>
     39         <li><kbd>dd</kbd> - Deletes a single line in normal mode</li>
     40         <li><kbd>d3</kbd> - Deletes 3 lines in normal mode</li>
     41         <li><kbd>d</kbd> - Deletes selected text in visual mode</li>
     42       </ul>
     43       <hr>
     45       <h3>Undo and Redo</h3>
     46       <ul>
     47         <li><kbd>u</kbd> - Undo the last change</li>
     48         <li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>r</kbd> - Redo the undone change</li>
     49       </ul>
     50       <hr>
     52       <h3>Saving and Quitting</h3>
     53       <ul>
     54         <li><kbd>:w</kbd> - Save the current file</li>
     55         <li><kbd>:wq</kbd> or <kbd>ZZ</kbd> - Save and quit</li>
     56         <li><kbd>:q</kbd> - Quit (only if no unsaved changes)</li>
     57         <li><kbd>:q!</kbd> or <kbd>ZQ</kbd> - Quit without saving changes</li>
     58       </ul>
     59       <hr>
     61       <h3>Searching</h3>
     62       <ul>
     63         <li><kbd>/Linux</kbd> - Search for 'Linux' (case-sensitive)</li>
     64         <li><kbd>n</kbd> - Go to the next found 'Linux'</li>
     65         <li><kbd>N</kbd> - Go to the previous 'Linux'</li>
     66       </ul>
     67       <hr>
     69       <pre style="text-align: center;"><a href="../neovimlist.html">Back</a></pre>
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