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     23       <h2>Making some art</h2>
     24       <h3>Date: 24-7-2024</h3><hr>
     25       <p>Over the last few days in my free time, I have been messing around with <a href="">Gimp</a> to make some wallpapers and a profile picture. I do admit this is something I plan to do more of, so I have made a page on my <a href="../projects.html">projects page</a> for all of the art I have done! Below are some examples of what I have done so far; I am exited to do some more!</p><hr>
     26       <p>Here I have tried to give Tux a vaporwave effect.</p>
     28       <img src="../Images/art/pfp/Tux_vaporwave.png" width="500px"><hr>
     30       <p>Here are all the wallpapers I have done so far! I think the Newyork image is the best one so far.</p>
     31       <img src="../Images/art/wallpaper/0Dublin.jpg" width="700px" alt="Dublin">
     32       <img src="../Images/art/wallpaper/1NewYork.jpg" width="700px" alt="Newyork">
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